Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Leonardo AI PhotoReal


I posted on Saturday about a trial offer from Leonardo AI that would enable me to test drive the new PhotoReal platform model that is normally available only with a paid subscription.  Above are two images I obtained during my trial.  I was very pleased with the results I obtained.  If the images are not yet quite at the level of Midjourney they're certainly within shouting distance.  Shown below is the text prompt I used to generate these images.

"low key elegant depiction photographed on analog color film in muted colors of beautiful model dressed in futuristic designer clothing and stiletto heels posing for high end fashion advertisement on balcony of expensive high rise apartment in rain drenched neon lit Tokyo"

For comparison's sake, I've shown at bottom two images I obtained using the same prompt with a non-premium platform model - Absolute Reality v1.6.  They're good, at least in my opinion, but obviously not as good.  Whether the difference is worth paying for is an individual user's personal choice.  Note that the premium Alchemy module was turned on in both sets of photos.

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