Friday, April 1, 2022

Backing Up Digital Photos


Yesterday was World Backup Day (yes, there really is such a thing), so I thought this might be an appropriate moment to post on backup options. Correctly backing up one's library of images should be an essential concern for every photographer, but one that is all too often not addressed properly.

My own solution has been to back up data on my computer's hard drive as well as on two external hard drives, one of which I keep "cold" (i.e., not connected to my computer system) and in a safe place.  That's worked well enough for me, but if I were still running a photography business I would also obtain storage space on the cloud for additional security.

Speaking of the cloud, I recently viewed a video in which the moderator favorably mentioned Dropbox as a possible off-site storage site.  I've nothing against Dropbox, a well established and reliable resource, but several months ago, I'm not quite sure when or where, I heard mention of a much less expensive option named Degoo Cloud.  Whereas Dropbox charges $12.50/mo for storage of up to 5TB of data and $20/mo for unlimited storage, Degoo charges only $9.99/mo for storage of up to 10TB of data, which for me at least would make it a much more cost effective alternative.  Note, though, that I am not currently using Degoo's services and so cannot offer any advice on its reliability or business practices.  I'm not affiliated with the company in any way and am mentioning it here for information purposes only. 

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