I had actually been browsing leather camera bags on B&H's website Sunday evening but hadn't seen anything that wasn't ridiculously expensive. Then, coincidentally, I received an email from the store yesterday advertising its weekly sales and lo and behold there was the Rofozzi camera bag listed at almost 20% off while supplies lasted. I immediately ordered the item by phone and then hopped on the subway a half hour later to pick it up at the store.
The bag is sturdily constructed of leather with canvas backing and is spacious enough to hold a DSLR and at least one additional lens. Since it lacks a tripod holder and is not water resistant it is not really suitable for traveling on assignments (when one would most probably want to have a bigger bag with one anyway), but it's perfect for wearing on one's shoulder while walking casually through the city. And since that's the use I bought it for I'm content.
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